Sunday, September 22, 2013

Egypt Brochures

6th grade made brochures to tempt us to go to Egypt! Tell them what you think! 


5th graders will be going to Biztown after Fall break! In order for them to get placed at their job, they had to have an interview. Here are our 5th graders dressed professionally for their job interview!



Morning Meeting

Every morning our class has a morning meeting. We say good morning to one another and then have a discussion within triads. Here is a glimpse of our classroom having an engaging discussion!

Eastlake Little League U.S. Champions

We were lucky to have the Eastlake Little League attend a celebratory assembly!

Egypt Pyramids

6th grade has been studying Ancient Egypt. They each created a pyramid for their god or goddess.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just Dance!

6th graders and working hard learning all of their dances!

Atoms, Molecules, and Elements!

Last week 5th grade started their unit on Atoms, Molecules, and Elements. Our classroom scientists are working in groups to research a topic. This week they will present their posters and information to the class!

 Eduardo and Michaela working on Chemical Changes
Emma and Hugo working on Expansion and Contraction

James, Sophia, and Malia working on Chemical Reactions

Conner and Sofia working on Vaporizing and Condensing

Tori and Dylan working on Changes in Size & Shape

Gina and Jared working on Sublimation and Deposition

Arland and Alyssa working on Melting and Freezing